
Living in the Seventies
in Blogs
1 January 1970 – 12:01 The laundry sink is full of Resch’s Dinner Ale. We've had the traditional countdown to midnight, a quick verse of...

The Fading Future Of The 5 Cent Coin
in Blogs
'See a sixpence, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck'.

The Rise and Fall Of Australia's Silver 50 Cent Coins
in Blogs
On the 14th of February 1966, Australia officially changed over to decimal currency. People gradually adjusted to the new and unfamiliar coins, and did quick mental arithmetic to compare their value with the old 'pounds shillings and pence'. But one – an attractive silver coin – stood out from the rest.

Save Your Spare Change
in Blogs
Open your purse, or your wallet. Pick a coin, any coin. How much do you think it's worth?